Masturbation Techniques

With so many people visiting the The Hun's Yellow Pages over the years we heard some wild and interesting masturbation confessions. We decided to collect some of the confessions we found over the years. Who knows, you might like reading them or you might even learn a new trick or two!

Do you have your own masturbation technique you want to anonymously want to share with the world, please don't hesitate to submit your confession!


male / clips

Clips on nipples

I liked it when my lover sucked hard on my nipples and pinched and played with them. To masturbate I put a spring clothes pin on each nipple. At first it hurts, but goes away. Then becomes sexual. I have string attached between the 2 clips and another long string hooked in the middle. It should be able to move left to right on the string between the nipples and goes down to my feet. I don't use my feet but wrap it around my thumb of my hand thats stroking my hard cock and keep the string taunt with my other hand. It pulls on my nipple clips and hurts my nipples that turns me on till I cum! After awhile the clips won't hurt at all unless pulled. Wood clothes pins are easier than plastic. I use plastic. Hurts when taken off right after I cum. Put them down and drift away in orgasm and sleep for a hour......

confess your own!


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