male / foam
cups and balls
Use a big plastic cup, like from baseball games. Put either 3 soft foam balls or 3 balled-up pairs of socks in the mouth of the cup. Put some hand lotion in 2 plastic bags, then put one over the other over your penis; then push your penis in the middle of the 3 balls. You can thrust in the cup if you can hold it down on something, or move it with your hand, but the most amazing is to twirl it back and forth on the hand of your penis until you come. It's like a very wet blow job.
nerf turf
I cut a slit into the end of an old Nerf football. I just stick a condom on, lube it up real well, and I start pumping the football. It feels really good.
like the real thing
You know those stress balls (same material as the keyboard wrist rest)? Get one of those and open it and make the inside a little hollow. Make it so that your dick can fit into it when you stretch it. Then lube the inside (I use my spit) and start stroking! Mine looks a lot like a vagina. I love this!
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